Friday, December 10, 2010

Dad's Fire Hall Photo Shoot!

All ready to go!
We had to sit by the pretty Christmas tree the Ladies  Aux put up
we like it when they are in the kitchen, Dad doesn't let us
in the kitchen but they always know when we are there,
we sometimes get treats! Some of the Firemen give us treats to!
We are always ready to go!
Can you see me sitting beside Matty in the back seat?
We have our very own chairs & sometimes we stand on
them to look out the window

Dad took us to the fire hall today and then decided to do a photo
shoot of us. Momma said he did very well, she loved all the
Well Mom says its time for our denta stix, which we get after we
eat our supper, she wanted to get the photos on the blog and
we have waited paitiently for her, but we are now getting antsy
and want our treats!
Till next time