Monday, August 13, 2012


Connie tells me i am going to my new forever home today

This cabin isn't our real home? We have a bigger place to live in?

I think my new momma loves me!

This camping isn't so bad, my brothers tell me we each have our own chairs but i kinda like to snuggle with one of my big brothers, Brinkley to be exact.

Dad I need a little nap before you build a fire.

Would someone please pick me up, I have just about walked my little legs off, I need a rest.

I got to meet my Grammy & Pop Pop from Lanc. Grammy held me for two whole days, she really loves me & I love her too.         

Mom & Dad picked me up at Connie's on their way camping this weekend, my very first camping trip & everyone said I did very well, I had fun & had lots of people hold me. I give lots of kisses and my favorite part was when we set by the fire at night because someone was holding me so I had a nice soft lap chair. Mom & Dad even took me and my brothers to Petsmart so I could have a new name tag made,they said my new name is going to be Jasmine.  They wouldn't let me walk I had to be carried, my brothers got to pick out new toys and they even picked one out for me, I will like it when I can pick one out myself, but I have to get a little bigger for that. Some lady said my big brothers were very well behaved & she had only one & couldn't take him anywhere, hmmmm, I have to think about that .
                                             "BE SAFE"

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